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Topic: Lets Play Together - King-Indian -1.e4 e5 2.d3
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Two second round games with biano started this week.
I opened with white 1.d4
Next day I played after his move with white 1.e4 c5.
Then I went to the other game, which I play white.
He had played 1....d5, and wished me good games in Portuguese.
So, I was thinking of what to respond to his message,
and meanwhile moved 2.f4 blindfolded...... /:-(
I even didn`t notice doing that untill the next day.
(I though I played 1....c5 with black)
With my third move, (I invented a kind of contrary Dutch opening)
I send a draw offer.
Lucky me, as he is lower rated, he accepted.

So, here is the new opening, called

"Kloosterveens Crazy Dutch Opening"
1.d4 d5
2.f4 Nf6

For Dutch players always good for a draw!


kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Yes we are Pershemia, yes we are...
Getting a bit nervous already?
All those spectacular changes in games which arise in
my genious brains are not so easy to deal with, aren`t they?

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Well, now I think about it,
you could also turn it around,
just like I did with the chessboard;

"Crazy Kloosterveens Dutch Opening"

PershemiaSweden flag
I'm still cool Leo, even if this opening isn't my favourite. Maybe I shall be nervous, but can't find any reason, yet. I take it as a new experience of chess. The opening reminds of Scotish gambit, but I'm not an expert, so we can call it Kloosterveens team opening. Now I am waiting if you have guts to take the pawn on b7. War of psychical. %-) ?:-( :-(O)

InakiPoland flag
1.d4 d5
2.f4 Nf6
may well still be playable...

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