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Topic: Draw by repitition
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Cueball600Canada flag
I'm in a game where this situation might very well apply, starting with my next move (first of 3). How is the rule applied here on QueenAlice. What I mean is, how would I go about applying the rule here. Will a "Claim Draw" option appear when the situation arises? or what is the procedure? Thanks

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
In a over the board tournament a player would be furious if the tournament director asked his opponent, you have an opportunity to create an identical position for the third time do you want a draw?" He would also be furious if the TD said your opponent's move repeats the position for the third time do you want a draw? No better would be the question, "your opponent has answered your previous move, however your previous move repeated the position for the third time. Do you want a draw?" The TD should not alert a player that he has grounds for a draw. Hence the claim the draw button must be availible all the time, furthermore there must be a penalty for an excessive number of draw claims.

Cueball600Canada flag
hmm - that does not answer my question. If my opponent repeats the position three times in a row, do I simply hit the "claim draw" button and that's it, or what.....like am I supposed let him know after the second repeat or what?

paladinGermany flag
In any OTB tournament of the FIDE the rule is: you inform your opponent that your next move will bring about the 3fold moves (positions) repetition. You stop the clock and ask for the TD. He/she has to check your move sheet and say yes or no. If yes the game is declared draw, if no the TD will reduce your remaining time for 3 minutes.But you have to claim the draw before moving! Otr you stop the clock when your opponent brought about for tzhe third time the same position with the same player to move. See the FIDE rules!
In CC you simply inform your opponent that the rule is now to be applied. It never happened to me btw as it's very simple to check the moves in CC.

Cueball600Canada flag
Thanks for the clarification. As it happens, it would appear my opponent is well aware of the rule, because he has repeated the position even once. Cool - thanks

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