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Topic: Your Favorite Chessplayers Ever.....
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RayDuque3United States flag
Myself, Ray Duque III, because I like to dance the ballroom dancing so much. Oh, sorry, you're asking my favorite chess player. Okay my answer is still myself because I like the combination of dance and chess. Dance is to exercise my body and chess is to exercise my brain.

Ray Duque III
New York City

Japy104France flag
Alekhine, Spassky, Kasparov, Kortchnoi

PatouCanada flag
Karpov, Kasparov.. Karpov for his positional play, Kasparov for the sensationalism lol (highest-rated player in history, would almost never lose, etc..)

I would have to add Josh Waitzkin to that list

Josh Waitzkin for sure, for his chess play but also for his going on to dedicate himself to martial arts and prove that the lessons of chess can indeed be applied in other forms of combat (and life) with great success... His book 'The Art of Learning' is highly recommended.

Tal for being the greatest attacking player of all time.

ronyjarodMalaysia flag
kasparov & capablanca

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