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Topic: Your Favorite Chessplayers Ever.....
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pushpwanPhilippines flag
though this persons are already in chess histories and been a popular in thier times.. i admire them so much for their great contributions in chess histories....

1. jose raul capblanca.. a real chess genius, he didn't
matter to study the games. a.k.a. chess
ambassador of his time.
2. Alexander Slekhine.. the only person
who had defeated capablanca in the
world chess championships.
3.Gary Kasparov.. i admire his styles,
being agrresive and a chess tactician. over
the board and during his physichological
tactics. haha
4.Viswanathan Anand... 1st indian WCC who
break the reins of russians from holding the
world chess champion titles.
5.Eugene Torre.. acclaimed as Asia’s
first Grandmaster.
6.Nigel Short.. a like his playing styles
7.Micheal Adams...
8.Vassily Ivanchuk
9.Vladimir Kramnik
10.Anatoly Karpov for his positional games..

positionalgeniusUnited States flag
1.Anatoli Karpov, a true "positional genius" and the target of my name.
2.Vladimir kramnik
3.Peter leko
4.Michael adams
And of course Levon aronian 8-)
From here, I would like to thank <gambitshark> for playing all of us even though he is far superior. ;-)

positionalgeniusUnited States flag
One more post, from here i would like to thank my QA buddies- Meckerkopp, Elche and campbell marcel. And of course, all of my chessgames.com buddies 8-)

PositionalWizardCroatia flag

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