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Topic: Rating Consultant available!
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
For those persons, who like to start a correspondence-chess career,
but don`t wish to start at the bottum, I have got a solution;

ME !

I know better, more smart ways, how to cheat,
then some players showed here thus far!

I will give a few examples, how "NOT" to do it, for free,
for each one of you.

If you like your rating going skyhigh,
in just a couple of days, please contact me in private,
(for the other-ones not to find out)
I will help you, and as a reward, I only ask you to be my sparring-partner
for a couple of games, in which I tell "You" which moves to make!

Example 1.

(for this read chuckvondra`s topic "Questionable Wins")
[by the way, we got some fine, brand new actors in this
"rating-drama" again; Zeafer and Garrincha"..this
one looks a bit like "Dallas" or "Dynasty",
don`t you think so?]

*Never open a serie of 15 games with the same single opponent,
and give all of them up without making one move!

My advice: Make 1 move in game no.2 before you give up,
make 2 moves in game no.3 before you give up,
make 3 moves in game no.4 before you give up,
make 4 moves ............etcetera.......untill,
make 14 moves in game no.15 before you give up!

I realize, that for some of you, 14 moves is already a bit
difficult, to give away an easy victory, but my solution for this problem
is very simple; the one who is supposed to loose, just moves a knight
7 times up-and-down, lets say Nc6-Nb8-Nc6-Nb8-etcetera,
before being checmated.
(Make sure only one of you does it, otherwise you get a draw)

Example 2.

(for this read Wefferson__Emerich`s topic "Nao Ganhou!!!")

If you want to create a nice, high, artificial rating,
all by yourself, you have to be creative with your user-names!
If you use 4 names, lets say; WeffersonEmerich, Wefferson_Emerich,
Wefferson__Emerich and Wefferson_Emerich_0208,
My advice would be;
Change your name with a bit more imagination, that the others
don`t notice, its you, and you, and you, and you!
Like this it would be better; WeffersonEmerich,
weffersonemerich, EmerichWefferson and emerichwefferson!

Example 3.

For this I can use Wefferson`s fine show again!
Never play too many same moves in fixed games.
Wefferson & partners showed me excellent ways how to do it;
game 1: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 c6 3.Qf3 b5 4.Qxf5 mate
game 2: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3.Qf3 d6 4.Qxf7 mate
and then with more variation;
game 3: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nc6 3.Qf3 Nf6 4.c3 d6 5.Nh3 Ng4 6.Qxf7 mate
and this one is brilliant, WF against himself;
game 4: 1.e4 d5 (Even this move is new! Nobody will notice!)
....... 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Qf3 Qxf3 4.Na3 Bg4 5.Nb5 Qd1 mate.

Excellent, different number of moves, all mate, no cheap resigns,
and mate with both colours, black and white!

Example 4.

Never cheat, if you just signed-up for special tournaments,
lets say, like a "??? th.OPEN", and you are brand-new on this site,
and kloosterveen is playing in that tournament as well,
by winning your first two games from the same player,
who had already questionable lost games,
in just one day!
"Even a blockhead like me thinks; "Hè?", if an unrated player
has the next day 1920p.!!!


Just one more question. I am not such a computer expert, so I don`t know.

Imagine, after each move I make, and before going to the next game,
I need to go to the toilet, because I am incontinence of urine,
do I have to switch-off my computer each time?
Or will just leave this site, that you can notice, I am not
online for a few minutes, or more, will serve the purpose?

I will not mention names in this matter, as it is hard to proof. (and I don`t want to get blocked by accusing someone without it)

TwinigoCanada flag
I really can't understand why these peoples deploy such efforts for virtually accomplishes nothing. Theirs victory as theirs ratings are fake and empty, yet they wanted to prove something for all i care.

Thanks Leo to expose theses cases, if it can better this already great site :-)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Allright, Thanks Phil.
But I got a private message from someone,
with some other questions;
1. Is it a joke?
2. or do you work undercover against cheaters?
3. or do you want to be The Godfather of cheaters?
Unfortunelly, I am not jokin`, and the answer on both other
questions, is no as well.
But get this picture:

In the first case of the questionable wins, in fact, I did some research, to find out, how they did it. I must say, I got curious and also a bit impressed how clever they worked, although if you want, its so easy to find out. Just follow the arrows, go from one to the other player and watch their games.
As what W.E. concerned, this wise guy asked for discovery of his little secrets himself.
All these players are lousy chess players, who just like to have a nice rating to show to you. Nothing else, just cheap cheaters!

But if somebody can explain following I would be gratefull.
A certain, lets call him Mr.B is new on this site, so unrated. He takes part in a tournament, and plays in the same group as I do. So, yesterday unrated and Hè?
Today 1920p. That cant be 1 game only. Lets have a look!
Well, one other opponent of mine, Mr.C (which integrity is without any doubt), gave up both games today, in normal matches. But Mr.B got 4 wins?
It seems that Mr.B "Started" and "Finished" and "Won" 2 other matches today with Mr.A, both just 11 moves, before Mr.C gave up his games.
What makes it more strange, is the fact that this Mr.A. only played 2 other games before, and well on the 25th.of June 2007. Also these games, played in 1 day, 1 victory, 1 lost, 4 and 7 moves only!
And in between, June, 25th.2007 untill February, 14th.2008, one long SILENCE!!!
And Mr.B, ON-line, makes a move with white against me, and goes OFF-line. Ten minutes, or twenty minutes later he is back online, and makes a move with black against me, and once again, goes OFF-line. And it goes like this from the day the tournament started.

My questions are:
1.If Mr.B beats Mr.C (of which I lost already twice) in both games, he must be a good chess-player. So, why does he need that cheap, and strange wins from Mr.A?
2.Why is he going off-line after each move he makes?
or 3. Am I getting paranoia, after finding out all this rating manipulation, what is going on?

?:-( txs.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Thanks for your responds Gil.
To answer your question, mentioned under my point 3. His rating is surely going up, in four games from "unrated" to "1920p".

I am talking about 3 different cases!
The first two, which I called "cheap cheaters" are kinds of spider-webbs, involving 7 upto 10 players each. Throwing the ball, to each other, some to get "stars" and some to be the "sacrifice".
But I don´t bother about them. As far as I see, some get their rating racked up to 1800 or so! Nothing to worry about.
Mr.WE only complained that it went up so slowly.
(game 1 unrated-=1500, game 2/3 still 1500, game 4-> 1550)
It goes up, but slowly, as he plays and wins against the "losers" from the "gang" with 1100 rating.

But Mr.B is a different matter. He is a good chessplayer, and plays against better opponents, so his rating goes up very quickly.
Just compare the 4 games/1550p of Mr.WE with his 4 games/1920p!
I`ll bet with you that this player is be able to make it to the first page of Queen Alice`s membership list very soon!

"ask to him Leo"

Well, I got a very long private message from this person. Unfortunally in a language of which I don`t understand a single word. I cannot find a free internet translater for this language also!
I did reply, by asking the questions which bother me, in the hope he find someone to translate. (which he probable can, because he read, and understood this topic!)
(Or somebody else brought it to his attention!)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
I received answers from the member which I meant under my Example 4. with the request to post it here;

Dear Mister Leo van Dalen,

My english is not very good, but I will try to answer your questions. I do understand english for about 80-90%, but I don,t understand why you accuse me for unfair actions with games, moves, etc.
This is not fair. Why are you doing that?
An old chessfriend of mine, Queen Alice member ******, invited me a few days ago for two rapid games overhere. He is an amateur, and plays mostly blitz-games at other chess-sites.
While I am a National Master candidate, with a 2286 rating! Obviously, I won both games easily, and I do not understand, what you think is strange about that.
Also the same day, mister ***** played very quickly and made a couple of mistakes as well. So I won both games. What is strange about that?

Well, maybe my rating went up very quickly, but if there is some kind of rating calculation bug here, at Queen Alice, that ain`t my problem and is none of my business. If you look at the rating list of all members, you can see that some of them have with less then 20 games an extremely high rating. For example; 2490 after only 10 games, and 2506 after only 17 games, and 2312 after only 12 games, etc. When this is a rating calculation bug in the system, I don´t understand why you accuse me for that. This ain`t my fault, I am not the administrator. Calculating ratings is not my business.

"Overhere I leave a part away, as it was a kind of answer on my example`s no.1 & 2, which has nothing to do with his person. He probably misunderstood this part."

Why am I going off-line after each move I make?
Overhere, I have dial-up connection, and I pay per minute, per hour of on-line status.
Therefore, logically, after each move I play, I log.off, I disconnect my on-line status. If my opponent plays very quickly, I re-connect again in about 5-10 minutes. This way I get a lower Internet bill, and safe some money.

I don`t expect your excuse. But sa you know this is an ethical and moralic act, for your unfair and unlogical accusation for me and for my nickname.
If you are an all righteous and fair man, I expect you, to update this topic with my answers.
(in your good english)

Best regards,

Quote: I expect you, to update this topic with my answers.


kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Well, You are right in one thing, I will not apologize, as I still have my doubts.
My story is not about rating calculations, or if it goes up quickly or slowly, etc.
The only point of making this topic is making people alert on cheaters and questionable wins.
Yes, it does worry me, after lookin into it and finding more and more. It looked as if the chain never stopped. And I am not afraid of mentioning their names. The proof is there. All the games, all the dates, all the moves, or in many cases I should say, the moves who are not been made. Everybody can see them if they wish. If you played a game like this, you cannot delete it from the system.
But as your rating went up so quickly, I got noosy, and watched your finished games, and by surprise, I met an old friend of mine; Your chessfriend.

Just two more questions,

Why does your friend play on 25 June 2007 two very strange games (4 and 7 moves), and before and after not anymore. Just that 2 games.
Untill yesterday, almost 8 months afterwards. ???
To make the story understandable for others, here is one of the games;

Mr.Chess-Friend vs. Mr.Unknown

FlipFirst Move   Previous MoveNext Move   Previous Move (with variations)Next Move (with variations)   Last Move

1. e4 f5 2. exf5 Nf6 3. d4 e6 4. fxe6 1-0

I mean, a National Master Candidate plays against this kind of players? Friendly rated challenges?

Second question;

Therefore, logically, after each move I play, I log-off

Is that so? Is that logical?
Is it cheaper to disconnect after each move you make, then making moves in all the games in which it is your turn, and then disconnect???
Because you have got always games in which it is your turn. Against the highest rated player in our group you hardly play, although he is at least as many times online as me and our other opponent. Everytime I look, it is your turn against him, with a huge difference in remaining time then in your other games.

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