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Topic: Players with 2 accounts
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alib2004Philippines flag
Hi Miguel,

Do you have any rules regarding 2 accounts generated in this website?

I feel like someone is using 2 accounts (maybe more). Since he can actually join tournaments using the same accounts, he can manipulate the results in a way.


miguelUnited States flag
Having two or more active accounts is not allowed. I disable double accounts when I find them, sometimes is tricky. Please send me the information you have via private message and I'll investigate.



voidRomania flag
My Internet connection at home did not work for 2 weeks and in that time I made some moves from other computers. If someone makes an account from one of those computers will that be interpreted as me having more than one account? What IP is taken into consideration: The one I made my account from or all of the IPs?

miguelUnited States flag
I don't have an answer for your question, I look at each case independently and make a decision based on the information I have. I am aware that there can be two or more legit accounts coming with the same IP.


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