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Topic: FEN string for completed games
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
For games in progress, the current position is given as FEN under the move list. Please can it be given for completed games, too? This would assist users who wish to restart a game that was lost on time, for example, and to analyze the final position of completed games.

It should be only a very minor change to the site's code.

capmoBrazil flag
Well, while waiting for Miguel to implement it, you can try this DOS utility:

pgn2fen -- A utility to convert from PGN to a series of FEN/EPD lines
Copyright (c) 2002 by Tim Foden; All rights reserved.
Version 1.0.4. Compiled at 23:09:10 on 12 Feb 2002.

Usage: pgn2fen [-e] [-w|-b] [-v] [-l]
Options: -e Output as EPD (default is as FEN)
-w Only output positions with white to move
-b Only output positions with black to move
-v Include variations in output (default is main line only)
-l Include leaf nodes (no pm or bm in EPD)
-s Only parse a single game from the pgn file


capmoBrazil flag
There's also a Windows tiny program that does this conversion:

NetChess 2.0
This software can be used:
- To convert PGN to FEN or EPD format
- To convert FEN to PGN or EPD format
- To convert EPD to PGN or FEN format
- As PGN, FEN or EPD game viewer.


richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Thanks. And any chess program that can copy and paste both games and positions will do the trick: copy the game into Winboard, for example, go to the end of the game and copy the position back.

But it would be nice if we didn't have to go through this extra step. It seems quite common to want to post final positions of games either in messages or in the forums. And the code to write a FEN string of the current position after the move list already exists so it should be a trivial matter to make it happen for completed games as well as games in progress.

capmoBrazil flag
I agree, let's hope Miguel will include your suggestion in his to-do list. :-)

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