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NewAuthorTopicRepliesLast PostDate
bahouais France flag Base game 2 sorim Germany flag
eljay Germany flag smartphone theme 1 sorim Germany flag
ClivetheBeard Wales flag The Queen Alice Hall of Fame 1 robelix Brazil flag
mauricio_sm Brazil flag Engines 19 Christhechessplayer
Rafale2000 France flag Fond noir 2 noroc Iceland flag
DenianCXI Brazil flag HOUDINI SEXXY_BUNNY !!! http://queenalice.com/player.php?id=86921 3 Sexxy_Bunny United States flag
BobFicha Brazil flag Tempo de jogo esgotado II 17 montelo Brazil flag
biano Brazil flag Divulgação 0 biano Brazil flag
Kouvitch France flag draw (king versus king) 13 noroc Iceland flag
SCORPION77 Brazil flag xeque mate 4 jcbraga Brazil flag
BobFicha Brazil flag Tempo de jogo esgotado 5 BobFicha Brazil flag
Santista38 Brazil flag Uso de Engine nas partidas 1 noroc Iceland flag
Mistakesrme England flag Automatic game loss on time 6 noroc Iceland flag
RaulSoft Brazil flag Imposivel de terminr a partida não aceita encerrar por reptição 1 noroc Iceland flag
ChessDoran UnBlock Tournaments Automatic Time Expired = Lost Game 6 noroc Iceland flag
ilbarbierefallito Italy flag Queen Alice in 3D ? 5 o3bor52
IMONTELO Brazil flag Manter Conectado 1 Dogeval Brazil flag
IMONTELO Brazil flag JOGAR / DESISTIR 2 montelo Brazil flag
EddieK Scotland flag Thematic tournaments 9 EddieK Scotland flag
HTH New Zealand flag About a team of adjudicators 3 ketchuplover United States flag
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 41 Next

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