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Topic: Unfair Rating!...
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georgiaflagUnited States flag
I played an individual handle screambaby, who was unrated!.. game lasted 8 moves at most, his time ran out, yet he was awarded a rating 1993!?. why only 8 moves and just stop playing awards you???. This seems unfair at most. I know current players on this site struggle to get close to this score. UNFAIR..........

catalanAndorra flag
Sí que es curioso, sí.

Curiously ...


the rating debate is getting old. I know there is an explanation of the rating system on this site. Perhaps it needs to be more easily accessable. Maybe a link to ratings directly underneath the Help menu

miguelUnited States flag
georgiaflag, please visit the About page to learn how the system calculates ratings. The system is not arbitrary, it is currently in use at the US Chess Federation for correspondence chess.

If after you read it you have any questions please let me know.


PS: yes, I may need to move the ratings section into a different page and link it from the menu...

alib2004Philippines flag
...or can you just freeze these types of topics so it doesn't get dragging... i mean have a thread lock mechanism

miguelUnited States flag
Yes, I do have the ability to close a thread for good, but I hate to use it, I don't like to shut people off that way...

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