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Topic: Email options
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AliwoodUnited Kingdom flag
I have my email options set to mail me if there are any open games available but it doesn't appear to be mailing me. Did I miss something?


Lounge7Germany flag
Mh, there is no email reminder for open games, but I think you mean your own waiting games, don't you? I noticed that the QueenAlice email-server is not the fastest, but the mails arrive sooner or later.


AliwoodUnited Kingdom flag
OK, I am referring to this line here

"I wish to receive email notifications when...

a new game has started (challenge, open game, invitation)"

Did I misunderstand then?


PS I do get the email reminders for my moves in waiting games, yes

miguelUnited States flag
Yes, it's a missunderstanding. That email option refers to your own games. In the context of an open game it means that if you advertised an open game you will get the email when someone decides to play it.

I'm sure you realized by now that when there are open games available there is a little star icon next to the Open Games link.

AliwoodUnited Kingdom flag
Thank you, now I do understand and the little lightbulb has gone on above my head.


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