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Topic: Dead draws
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
Ok ... so I have had a man-sized moan about slow play and people who don't resign. ;-)

So how do we feel about people who won't agree draws in known drawn positions?

E.g. The Philidor Rook and pawn ending?

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Once your opponent has demonstrated his ability to find the drawing procedure in an endgame book and apply it the game should be abandoned as a draw.

Of course, some people are so bad they don’t know when the game is lost or drawn and some are playing opponents equally as bad. Such players can’t be faulted for continuing. Then again some people are just snots.

Fortunately most of my Internet opponents have been high enough rated to know better so personally I haven’t run into a lot of problems.

OnceuponEngland flag
Hmm, one wonders how many naughty players are in the habit of looking up tablebases.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
Well indeed. But my naughty opponent wasn't so naughty after all! ;-)

phystutordotcomUnited States flag

I thought published copywrighted material was fair game in correspondence chess. Is a tablebase against the rules. where can I get one?

OnceuponEngland flag

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