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Topic: games cancelled and needs clarification.
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miguelUnited States flag
The game was cancelled because your opponent was banned, as I explained above. I'm sorry about that.

thespanishknightSpain flag
What are the circumstances in which a member can be banned? It is just curiosity, I am a good boy :-D

PepatoSpain flag
Ya ya
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Además está prohibido terminantemente ganarme, ya sea al ajedrez o en cualquier otro juego...
%-) %-) %-)

thespanishknightSpain flag
:-(O) :-(O) :-(O)

Be0wulfPhilippines flag
Hi Miguel,

I have now so many cancelled games and as you mentioned above the games have been cancelled because they are banned from the tournament. Can you at least add column or anything that will inform us on how or what are the reasons on why my opponent was banned? It feels awful when your opponent get banned especially when you are winning the game and also for curiosity. Is all these possible?

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