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Topic: QA's ELO -> Real ELO
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
It is rather simple to make a comparision. But it requires knowing as many elo ratings as possible. Just make a 2 dimensional plot. Put QA rating on vertical axis and Elo on horizonatal axis. Standard mathematical techniques will yield a conversion equation and a reliability factor.

It is true that when someone gains points when his opponents dont lose points tend to inflate ratings. So, everytime an established player plays a provisional player ratings tend to inflate. However, some form of inflations is necessary. Experiance tends to create better players. If every game resulted in one player gaining as much as the other lost the average ratining would remain constant but the players improved. Eventually the most experianced players die and are replaced by new inexperianced players. Hence the average rating goes down. It would be useful to know statistical variables like mean and standard deviation. However the average player on QA alice is probably weaker than the average USCF player becuase due to USCF dues and entry fees. Anyone can get a QA rating. Only those willing to pay membership dues and entry fees get a USCF rating. Therefore USCF players have demonstrated that chess is a priority.

Oh My USCF rating is 1803.

mad_knightBelgium flag
This matter has already been discussed in another thread in this forum, from which I remember that in order not to complicate matters too much, a fair and square method of computing your approximate Elo is to reduce your QA rating by 200 points. That's good enough for me ;-)

OnceuponEngland flag
ELO = QA - 100n

where n is a random integer between 1 and 10


axedreItaly flag
Thanks mad_knight, your reply is very helpful. Thanks to everyone else as well!

ELO = QA - 100n

where n is a random integer between 1 and 10

For me it'd be 10! :-D

ClivetheBeardWales flag
I had a conversation with English GM Peter Wells last week and he was of a similar opinion regarding all the turn-based internet sites including ICC.

(Rating inflation by one 'class' or 200 points.)

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