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Topic: QA's ELO -> Real ELO
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DougtzuUnited States flag
You should also take into account that it all depends on your seriousness about the game on Queen Alice in comparison to your OTB play. while i agree that as a generality 200 points is correct, there are probably many who's rating is even more/less inflated. My USCF rating moves anywhere from 1550-1650 as of late, however, i usually only manage an 1800 Queen Alice. this is probably due to the fact that i often forget about the think button, and just make the first move that crosses my mind :-(O).

However, my father also has a USCF around the 1650's, but his Queen Alice averages around 2000, and inflation of almost 350, because he spends most of his time on each move, finding the best move he possibly can.

What im getting at, is that it all truly depends on your effort of taking advantage of the time your given, so while there's nothing wrong with accepting the generality, there is a chance that it is completely inaccurate

tewaldUnited States flag
Dougtzu, do you have a USCF correspondence rating? That would be a better measure. Alice is correspondence chess, so that comparison would be better.

DougtzuUnited States flag
Thats true, but no i dont have a USCF Correspondence, However, to me it seemed like the question was asking the comparison between Alice ratings and OTB ratings, thus my explination

axedreItaly flag
Yes Dougtzu, you got the question right. Tewald was probably suggesting that a USCF correspondence rating would give a further estimate of the accuracy of the "200 point rule" described in previous posts.
Thanks for your post!

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I do all my analysis in my head. My USCF rating is 1803. So at present I fit the 200 point rule. However, I recently atempted to manage over 150 games in progress on QA. The result was lots of blunders. Before I attemted to play 150 games at once my QA rating was close to 2150. That might imply that my USCF rating should be close to 1950. If I play by QA alice rules and move pieces while analysing I believe I could maintain a QA raiting of 2150. So I think QA ratings are equivalent to USCF + 300 points.

Does anyone know the conversion between USCF and European ratings?

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