Topic: FEN notation for set position games.
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Do I have to manually calculate the FEN Notation for a set position game or can I set up a position on something like the opening browser and have the FEN Notation calculated for me?
I don't know if you know how FEN works, but it's not that hard... and depending on why you need it, you don't even need to learn it "properly".
The way it works is that the first characters refer to the position in itself, and then there are a few sets of characters that are used to describe things that can't be seen on the position. They are, for instance, whose move it is, castling rights for both sides, how many moves have passed since a pawn move was made, and whether there's a square where you could capture en passant on that move. There's also the move at which you are in the game.
All these details can be superfluous really if you only need the position.
But in any case, learning it isn't hard and it's pretty intuitive.
Right now you may notice that I haven't properly addressed your question; that is, I gave an alternative rather than a solution to your problem. I don't know an easy solution to your problem.
Finally, "FEN Notation" is redundant; the N in FEN stands for "Notation".