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Topic: Software for correspondence games DB
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seigneurCanada flag

I'm looking for a software that lets you keep track of your correspondence games, either finished or ongoing. I've tried DB programs (such as Scid for instance), but they're somewhat impractical, in that it's hard for instance to distinguish ongoing vs. completed games. Most programs were made for handling "completed games" (no surprise there, though).

If anyone uses a program to keep track of their correspondence games and would like to talk about it, please don't be shy! ;-)

I use ChessBase 10 which marks ongoing games as “Line” in the results column. The 'save as a replacement game' function is very useful for ongoing games.

In addition, having multiple databases for current, archived and analysed games is very easy.

The downside is the price. I am nowhere near good enough to justify the cost of ChessBase; however, it is a pleasure to use.

Maybe, if I play a few more games then I’ll get my money’s worth from it

PS. I do not use Fritz type programs because it is too easy for the engine to pop-up and give its "opinion" on the position. Not what honest CC players want (well I don't).

PPS. I think that CB10's manual is available as a free PDF download from ChessBase's website.

seigneurCanada flag
I should have specified I wanted something free :-P

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Not sure exactly what you are looking for but two good free programs are:
EC Tool


OnceuponEngland flag

I should have specified I wanted something free :-P

Everything is free. All you have to do is not pay for it :-P

tewaldUnited States flag
I use ChessPad at work. It does not install "deeply" into your computer, affecting the registry (in Windows), so I was able to install it even though I do not have administrator privileges (very tight security at work). It is very easy to use, and includes an autoplay feature that will play a game from the beginning for you, so you can get the context of the last move. It also has NO playing engine to give you any hints, so you won't accidentally cheat. :-D

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