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Topic: Unchanged rating
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jonamendallUnited Kingdom flag
I understand how ratings are calculated, but I have played 7 games (3W, 2D, 2L) against opponents with ratings above 1750 and my rating is still unchanged at 1100.

seigneurCanada flag
Ratings are unaffected when players have a spread in ratings that's greater than 400. Since 1750-1100 > 400, ratings were unaffected.

jonamendallUnited Kingdom flag
Thanks seigneur. That's the Special Rule. So the only way I can get a rating is to play people who are below 1500 in rating. ?:-(

whyBishNew Zealand flag
The >400 is for provisional players, so if you were near 25 games you could continue playing against players of that level and your rating would increase.

jonamendallUnited Kingdom flag
I'm not bothered about the rating particularly, but it precludes me from entering a lot of tournaments at, what I think is my level. I have to enter lower rated competitions to play. I just don't see why this is necessary.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I believe that there were a couple of factors in play that caused this rule to be introduced.
1) players weren't playing against unknowns and risking their rating so a prov. status was introduced. Any non-prov. losing to a prov player didn't lose (risk) any rating.
2) People used this rule to quickly get high ranking by getting their high ranked non. prov friends to lose to them, so the +-400 for provisionals was introduced.
Unfortunately this has lead to your first result being the most important result to get a correct rating while provisional...

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