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Topic: Building an opening repertoire
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OnceuponEngland flag
I don't see any reason why one would need to pay money these days in order to study a number of chess openings.

True, I bought a couple of books in the past although they certainly weren't expensive. But Ye Olde Internette wasn't much good then to Joe Public.

seigneurCanada flag
It's actually 200$... I'm not gonna pay that much money, don't worry. I'm gonna try the free version though :-P

OnceuponEngland flag
Oh, forgot to mention. Beware of scams.

seigneurCanada flag
What do you mean?

You mean the type of scams where you have to be the first to reply to someone in order to get your free secret prize and then the conditions change and you don't receive it, uh Andy? ;-)

YukontoddCanada flag
I'm just learning too.

I tend to jot down a few opening lines all on one sheet of paper, and use those. Have lines for playing black against e4 and d4 to start with, just follow the lines so far as they go (no need to jot down anything past 8 moves at the outside to start at my level). Then, as people make different moves that seem to be not garbage, add in a variation for that move. Add in another line for use against English openings at some point, and I'll be set.

As white, I've been aiming at RL, but I'm thinking of changing to a d4 repertoire soon just to learn it better ... and because I heard that no one at the highest levels plays e4 much anymore. As white playing e4, I needed to also know the next common response so I started learning the sicilian, and started playing it a bit against e4 as black just to learn it.

Anyways, basically, just play around with the first few moves of any opening, and add in variations as you feel you need them. Important to play around with them and have fun, I think, for me. Others are welcome to memorise, but I bet they don't know what to do against a "bad" move and blow it that way ... and that doesn't sound as fun to me anyways.

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