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Topic: CIA infiltration - part two
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OnlyJokingEngland flag
In fact every flag brings up the CIA website. If no one else is experiencing this then I must have a bug. Oh, well!

microcephalecScotland flag
I am experiencing this too, yet if we tell anyone that the CIA are up to any funny stuff then we would be "conspiracy theorists" and "with Al Queda".

seigneurCanada flag
Wow people... wow.

This is the way that the website has been set up. Apparently the CIA offers atlas-like information about countries around the world, along with a flag. Miguel probably decided to use this as the basis of how flags are handled around here -- and countries pretty likely too. I'm pretty sure his list is in line with whatever the list is at the CIA website.

That's it. No infiltration, no extraterrestrials, no communism and no atheism.

What the fuck people, seriously.

microcephalecScotland flag
I am being serious, the film "Fall of Brittania" will follow "Fall of the Republic". Thats if the don't do "Fall of the Kanuks" first.

robelixBrazil flag
Oh guardian of the forums, Onceupon, where are you ?!!!

OnlyJokingEngland flag
So it's nothing to do with countries waiting to be invaded then?

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