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seigneurCanada flag

OnceuponEngland flag
OK, let's try to keep this thread free from religion and lengthy tales and such. Otherwise, I may delete it.

I've decided to try an electronic cigarette. It should arrive soon.

OnceuponEngland flag

I used this remedy and stopped smoking...

Interesting. Though according to Wikipedia only 23% of those on the drug, varenicline, quit smoking after one year.

seigneurCanada flag
My mother once quit smoking for two years or something. She just quit cold-turkey one day (she used to buy cartons on a regular basis, and one time she decided she wouldn't buy any more... so when she finished her last pack, she was all done with the smoking [so she said]).

It worked apparently, if you leave aside the fact the started to smoke again like 2 years after that (never understood why anyone would do that... I mean, at that point I'm fairly convinced it's a matter of wanting it more than needing it).

OnceuponEngland flag
That certainly seems to be one of the problems, yes. Many smokers quit for a long time only to start up again perhaps a number of years later. Getting a smoker off nicotine isn't enough.

This is why I'm interested in substitutes rather than nothing at all. Something that replaces and satisfies the habit. Which, it goes without saying, is also safe.

The e-fag promises in theory to simulate the smoking experience. But without tobacco. What kills smokers is tobacco, or rather a number of the toxins it contains. Nicotine is nowhere near as harmful.

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