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Topic: Fool's Mate and Checkmate's Pastor or Pastor's Mate
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is known by this name, because only a fool would play without protecting the king himself.
( é conhecido por este nome,porque somente um louco jogaria sem proteger o próprio rei ) ( Mate do Louco ) .

( 'board2' ) ;">1. gif" border="0" title="Flip" alt="Flip">

1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4# 0-1


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mate's Pastor

[Fen] r4r2/p4p1k/1pp2bpp/8/5BQ1/q2P1R2/5PP1/4R1K1 b - - 1 26 [/ fen]
1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. Qh5 Nf6 4. Qxf7# 1-0

A legend says that a king walked into his kingdom,when seen under of a tree a shepherd studying chess.Intrigued,King approached,invited him to a match and led this Checkmate.

KensoueuUnited States flag
Those mates are olds,but the article was good.

Conta uma lenda que um rei passeava por seu reino,quando viu embaixo de uma árvore um pastor estudando xadrez.Intrigado o rei se aproximou,convidou-o para uma partida e levou este mate.

Vycent1985Brazil flag

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r4r2/p4p1k/1pp2bpp/8/5BQ1/q2P1R2/5PP1/4R1K1 b - - 1 26/fen
1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4# 0-1

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