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Topic: Timed Out Games
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cmcanultyUnited States flag
I have 2 games that the opponent has timed out on weeks ago, do I ever get those games credited as a win?

tewaldUnited States flag
Not unless you claim them. It's not automatic, so you can cut your opponent some slack if you want to. To claim the game, go to "My Games", and click on the vibrating alarm clock to the right of the game. It will ask you if you're sure. Just follow through to claim the game.

miguelUnited States flag
Expired games that are left in an abandoned state (ie. they are not claimed) are closed by the system after left in that state for about a month.

If the game is from a tournament the system will claim the game on behalf of the winning player. If it is a standard game the system will cancel the game, which means that no rating changes will be applied.

My opinion is that at least on tournaments, out of respect for the other participants games should be claimed asap, you don't want to stall the tournament.


cmcanultyUnited States flag
There is no alarm next to the games even though they are long past the time limit

miguelUnited States flag
You can only claim games when they are past move 2. Before two moves your only option is to delete the game.

cmcanultyUnited States flag

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