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Topic: tournament withdrawal
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kingdaveUnited States flag
It would be good if there were a way to withdraw from tournaments. More than once I've had my opponent "not show up" for the second round of a tournament, either by not playing, or by resigning immediately. Yes, I get the win, but big deal. It's even more of an issue in the endless Nth Anniversary tournaments. I've seen people resign immediately, but then they will be assigned another game in the next round.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
I don't think a withdrawal mechanism would make much difference.

The people who don't show up for the second round are people who've lost interest in the site and stopped playing. They're not going to bother withdrawing from their tournaments so you'd still end up claiming games on time.

The people who resign without moving seem, in the main, to be doing it because they're scared of your rating. I've had a couple do that against me in Swiss tournaments and, in the next round, they get a lower-rated opponent and play out the game. Again, a withdrawal option wouldn't make any difference: they're not resigning for that reason.

Also, if somebody withdraws after round 1 of a tournament, do you replace them in round 2 with the second-placed person in their group?

kingdaveUnited States flag
I agree that this is not a matter of great import. With regard to how I'd implement it, only the players who qualified for the next round of a tournament would continue to play - i.e. I would not replace anyone with a 2nd place player. For example, once I made the second round of an open tournament and was put into a group of two, and there was second group of 3. My opponent resigned both games right away (not due to intimidation I'm sure). If he/she had withdrawn I'd make one group of 4. I know, who cares. In the swiss style tournaments it would be simple enough to drop the players who want out.

kingdaveUnited States flag
What are the odds?!?!

In my first post I said "It's even more of an issue in the endless Nth Anniversary tournaments. I've seen people resign immediately, but then they will be assigned another game in the next round." I noticed this when I was checking out the game in the 5th anniversary tournament of a guy who trounced me in one of the Open tournament. And who have I drawn in the next round but this very fellow.

KensoueuUnited States flag
It's a game between two players that have abandoned Queen Alice, so nobody can click on the "clock" to claim the game.
But if nobody claims the game, players and tournaments are harmed.This has happened before.(Tournaments are locked or The tournament will not continue)

Tournaments must be claimed automatically,when the time is exhausted(0:00).

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Tournament games auto-claim after thirty days.

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