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SirKnightNew Zealand flag
courteous - definition of courteous by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Characterized by gracious consideration toward others. See Synonyms at polite. [Middle English corteis, courtly, from Old French, from cort, court; ...
one of the meanings of grace is to grant delay

I think part of the problem is that the vacation time is far too long. I'd be curious to hear from Miguel why such a large number of days was selected. Can anyone be away from a computer for that long these days. It seems to me that it encourages the vacation days to be used as delay days instead. I just had this happen to me. I'm involved in a game with a player and the game is over. There is no chance for my opponent to win ... I would have to blunder terribly. Once the outcome was certain, he first let the time expire. I sent a move reminder and being in no hurry to claim the game, gave him a couple of days. He responded by 'going on vacation' while playing other games regularly.


SirKnightNew Zealand flag
I agree the number of vacation days is very generous. Those who abuse it in such a way are only demonstrating they are very rude.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I've stopped joining tournaments late last year, and still have about 10-15 games on the go. In a few months I'm heading off on a world tour (incl watching some candidates in Kazan). The vacation days isn't enough, but I've got a few from this year that might stretch to make it.
If I was just having a normal year I'd still use about 35 of the 45 vacation days.

axedreItaly flag

Can anyone be away from a computer for that long these days.

45 days are not necessarly consecutive. I find it a fair amount: I might use 5 or 6 days around spring break, a week or two during the summer, another week around Christmas... and the remainder in times of heavy study or work, when I deliberately chose not to set my mind on chess, since I wouldn't concentrate hard enough (I've tried... and blundered). Besides, who's to say what is "legitimate vacation" and what is "wasting time"? Oh wait... that's the same thing, ain't it? ;-)

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