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Topic: punteggio - score
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lat47Italy flag
Ho vinto una partita contro un avversario con 1723 punti avendo io 1837 punti. Applicando la formula indicata avrei dovuto raggiungere:
1837 + (0.04 * 114) +16 = 1837+4+16= 1857. Il sistema mi ha invece assegnato 1848. C'è una spiegazione?
I won a game against an opponent with 1723 points as I had 1837 points. Applying the formula I should get:
1837 (0.04 * 114) 4 16 16 = 1837 = 1857. The system has instead calculated 1848. Is there an explanation?
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
No — the rating difference is negative because your rating is higher than your opponent's. So the formula is 1837 + (0.04 x -114) + 16 = 1848, as happened.


lat47Italy flag
OK Dave tank you

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