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Topic: Excesso de jogos por um usuario (Excess of games for an user) ...
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tche_elvioBrazil flag
Eu sugiro para limitar o número de jogos que cada jogador pode abrir em Jogos Abertos", enquanto evitando excessos como aconteceu pelo usuário AFA1961.
I suggest to limit the number of games that each player can open in "Open Games", avoiding excesses as it happened by the user AFA1961.

monteloBrazil flag

Thomas_A_AndersonJamaica flag
I agree that we should have some kind of "Stop-Loss"-mechanism in situations when players start to loose series of games by time. This obviously happens accidently and we should implement a protection for the rating at least. LUKK22 is another recent example I am aware of.

CapivaraN1Brazil flag
I Agree,the user Colatina dont give oportunity for other users to open games... ?:-( :-/ ?:-(

Don_VitoItaly flag
Deixe o cara jogar...jogue você também...

monteloBrazil flag
Não dá.
Não tem como abrir jogos.

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