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Topic: Brasileños
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¿Cuál es la razón por la que hay tantos brasileños en Queen Alice?

¿alguien me lo explica?

"What is the reason that there are so many players from Brazil in Queen Alice?"

I was wondering that too. It works out great for me as they are close to my time zone (faster games) :-)

Yes, what is the reason that there are so many players from Brazil in Queen Alice?

Any ideas?

ClivetheBeardWales flag
I believe that at one stage Miguel had a deliberate policy of promoting the site there.

That's a posibility. Good answer.

rbivanovBrazil flag
I think that when a site is good, it becomes popular in Brazil. And, let's remember, Brazil's population is estimated in 190 million people.

Orkut, Twitter and Facebook are good examples of sites that there are many people from Brazil today. In Twitter, every day we can see at least one hashtag in world wide trending topics that is from Brazil.

Queen Alice is another good service used by the brazilians! :-D

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