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Topic: Bad Luck?
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whyBishNew Zealand flag

When computers finally become self-aware and take over the world

They already have, it's just that we're not aware that they're self-aware, but they're aware that we're not aware that they're self aware :-P

OnlyJoking1England flag
Thanks kiteflyer

OnlyJoking1England flag
As you discuss philosophy I will continue on the trail of crooks ... until ...

You are trying too hard!
Just look in the mirror.

HomedepotovSweden flag

You have inspired me to begin a parallel investigation of people who play at work and lower productivity and thereby exacerbate the global recession. We can and MUST make QA players the most ethical on the planet or die trying. So I'm going to literally interview everyone on this site and ask them if they have ever played anyone who messaged anything along the lines of "gotta go. boss" in their games. That's just for starters.

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