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Topic: Bad Luck?
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I, for one, only play at work during my lunchbreak so I rejoice in your crusade.

Death (or at least a good telling off) to the workshy!!

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Oh jeez, I play at work too. But only on days where I've done 16 hours already.

HomedepotovSweden flag
Thanks kiteflyer ol' pal, I will put you in charge of my torture chamber for chess miscreants. whyBish, it's okay. A little chess keeps your mind sharp at work. You sound like a workaholic and that isn't healthy either.

Dang, now I want to investigate virtually everything on this site, from people who are verbally abusive to people who are sexually suggestive to people who throw games and/or bet on games, people who play online chess naked (especially cute blondes), people who change their names (from OnlyJoking to OnlyJoking1 for example), even check out reports I've heard of Amish online chessplayers, who are supposed to have nothing whatsoever to do with computers at all. They are the most disgusting of all to me. Oh, the hypocrisy!

you do realize that we are supporting OnlyJoking? It seems you are trying to be funny, but in this post it also sounds as if you are supporting the fake OnlyJoking1. That is, you comments seem to suggest that the real OnlyJoking is misguided in finding serious abuses. Perhaps you would be willing to state your opinion more directly ...

HomedepotovSweden flag

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