Topic: Ratings: the K factor
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Are the USCF correspondence chess ratings rules fully implemented in QueenAlice? I didn't understand the K factor. Can you explain me or at least point me to a better source of information than http://www.uschess.org/cc/ccratefl.php ? Thanks in advance.
I don't have any specific link in mind, but if you google for "elo rating system" you should find plenty.
Hi Rogerio,
What I read and understood there in USCF is that:
Rn = Ro -/+ K * (ED) +/- C
Where K and C change like this:
(*) Players rated 2099 and below K=0.04 and C=16
(*) Players rated 2100-2399 K=0.03 and C=12
(*) Players rated 2400 and above K=0.02 and C=8
(*) When, during a upgrade (or downgrade), a player cross the limit, the variables are used proportionally with the old K and C and the new K and C.
(*) Rating differences that exceed 350 points are figured as 350 points.
I hope it helped you.
Beco. ;-)
Thanks. And FYI, all the above rules are implemented on queenalice.com.
Is the USCF-CC rule about the winner only getting 20% of the points for a forfeited win implemented on Queenalice? - I think this would help to solve a lot of the problems with inflation and skew associated with the Elo system in a casual web site (it would probably be quite unpopular though!)
No, I did not implement the 20% rating on forfeited games, it's a very confusing rule, it could be misused.
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