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Topic: Ratings: the K factor
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becoBrazil flag
BTW, (ED) is the difference between rating. Example:

I am 1600, my opponent is 1400.
My ED is 1400-1600 = -200

But, if I am 1400, and my opponent is 1600:
My ED is 1600-1400 = +200

So this define the signal. The point is: if I win a better player, I earned more points.
And to define the +/- C signal is easy:

If I win (no matter the rating):
If I lose (no matter the rating):

An practical example:

PlayerA 1600 beats playerB 1400

RA = 1600+0.04*(-200)+16 = 1608 = 1600+8
RB = 1400+0.04*(+200)-16 = 1392 = 1400-8

PlayerA 1600 lose to playerB 1400

RA = 1600+0.04*(-200)-16 = 1576 = 1600-24
RB = 1400+0.04*(+200)+16 = 1424 = 1400+24

See you,

StuEngland flag
Does the USCF state whether you should use the ratings of the players at the start or the end of a game when carrying out this calculation?

miguelUnited States flag
This was subject of discussion a while ago. In the end, a member (Alopinto if I remember correctly) emailed the USCF and asked and they said the ratings are taken at the end of the game, like this site does.


becoBrazil flag
Hi Miguel,

I was trying to find this topic here, before I asked in other one... :)

This one has the formulas I need. Is everything ok, or they changed here in QA after your last updates?


miguelUnited States flag
The formulas listed above haven't changed.


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