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Topic: Relay Chess
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KenshoNetherlands flag
What about his idea: Relay Chess. Player 1 makes a move and gives the board to player 2 who makes a move. Player 2 gives the board to a third player and so on until the game ends. The uneven players make the white moves and the even players play black. This way you get a chain of players in an evolving chessgame where low and high rating players share the victory or defeat.
A second version is the Pyramid. Same rules but now player 1 gives the board to two other players who will give a response with black. They each give their boards to two next players. Now we have 4 boards evolving. Thes 4 players give their boards each to two new players and yes now we have
8 boards and so on. When a game ends this branch in the pyramid stops but the others can still go on.
How about this? %-)

JungJoeUnited States flag
This sounds like fun. I would like some comments during the game as well. I do not know how to give the board to someone so--if nothing else the leader of the chess game could make moves for white and designate someone else to move for black. All you would need is for people to join in an tell the leaders what the moves are. Not that I am selfish or anything like that but, my move. lol d4.

tewaldUnited States flag
If you go from one team member to the other, there can be no communication between them (except, perhaps, "It's your turn"), or it would just be a team game. With no communication, it becomes primarily a tactics battle, since there is no room for strategy when you only get one move every 4 (or so) moves for your side. Even tactics would be limited, since you can't really set something up taking 2 or 3 moves. At least that's my opinion.

KenshoNetherlands flag
Tewald is right of course but relay chess is more a social event. Tactics are still fun. Its like writing a book with multiple writers who can add unexpected twists to the storylines. It can also be a nice teaching-aid to learn wich is the best move given a certain posiion. Giving comments would therefore be nice. If you still would like more strategy incorporated then you can think of a variation in wich each player - or pair of players - is allowed to make 5 moves. After 5 move the board switches to another set of players.

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