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Topic: Bergman?
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mobeUnited States flag
Help me understand?

There are lots of topics in the forums about him. He chose to play many games against much lower rated players which steadily increased his rating to what it is now. Others have done this too. Look at the others at the top of the list.

His rating on QA is probably around 2550 and although his current rating seems silly, he has allowed many players to get a feel for playing an elite player (just not me).

I believe Bergman now plays rated games only using another account ... but I won't say which one! :-P

Personally I believe Conde7 is one of, if not the best player here. He exclusively plays elite players at his level, which is a rarity on QA and plays many games concurrently. He's won the most number of elite tournaments by far.

mobeUnited States flag
I am playing 2 games with him now, he is winning both games although 1 day per move is a little toooo fast for me. I never see the green dot appear when he is on-line. He also makes moves fast and at anytime of the day or night.

The green dot is an option that can be disabled by any player.

Yes, Bergman is known to play very fast and at all times of the day. This had led some to suspect that he is not human but I think that is unlikely.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
I had a short exchange with him once, wherein I also inquired into sites to play go online. He kindly provided those. I don't think a machine could manage that.

So Bergman is either a human or a stranded alien passing the time until the next cruise ship arrives. Take your pick...

mobeUnited States flag
Thank you for all the information. I will go back and analysis my games with him after he beats me. I hope it will improve my game......

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