Topic: How many go through?
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In a multi-round 'Auto' torunament, I see the rule that the top players go through to the next round. But how many go through? In my first two tournaments, there are 20 players in 5 groups of 4 players each. How many players will go through to the next round?
The winner of the group goes to the next round. So in the Open example you used, that would be five players. However, in some groups there may be ties so both players move on. It is even possible for all four in one group to be tied and all go to the next round. The point is, you must finish with the highest score in your group to move on. If anyone in your group scored higher, you are finished. It does not matter what the other groups' scores are.
I see, thanks. So why the 'common default' of 20 players in a new tournament with only 4-player sections. Wouldn't 16 be a more 'natural number'?
You are thinking of the ideal scenario but even with 16's, you would often have ties so the number of players going to the next round will always vary. Instead, I'm guessing that the actual player limits for each type may be based on things like average tournament duration and range of ratings.