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Topic: A rating question
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It seems a bit odd that beating a player 390 points above you will give you a big boost but beating a player who is 500 pounts above you doesn't affect your grade at all!

I could understand it better if it were capped; i.e. beating a player moer than 400 points higher will count the same as beating a player just 400 points higher.


richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Blutigeroo wrote:
On the other hand, without the special rule, I can have an account that will rival Bergmam's rating in a few days without too much work.

No you can't. To maximize your provisional rating, obviously you have to win all your games, which would give you a provisional rating 400 points above the average rating of your opponents. Getting a 4400 provisional rating would, therefore, require a 100% record against players averaging 4000, which would be, er, quite difficult.

Steve922477 wrote:
I could understand it better if it were capped; i.e. beating a player moer than 400 points higher will count the same as beating a player just 400 points higher.

That would be better but still wrong because it would depress a player's rating if their first game was a win against, say, a 1300 player. The new player gets rated 1700 and then wouldn't get full credit for beating, say, 2300-rated players.


This is quite easy when you can pick your own opponents!

Assuming the special rule is repealed, my current rating is about 1900, so if I create a new account and win a game against my older account, I now have a newer account at 2300p. Then I do it again with another new account...2700p...

...five iterations later I have a 4700p rating. I need only play 24 more "games" against my 4300p account to make the 4700 an established rating. About an hours work if one is overly eager. Seven new accounts and 31 fake no-move games. :-P

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Ohhhh, I see what you mean. Well, it turns out you can't do that, either, because the other bug in the rating means that your new accounts will only be rated 1500 after winning their first game.

So you'd have to create a bunch of accounts and have half of them beat the other half to get a provisional rating of 1500. Then play those accounts against each other to boost the provisional rating of one of them to something close to 1900. Each 1500 account can only lose one game as its rating will then fall so it won't be able to boost as well. Once you've created a bunch of 1900 accounts, you can boost to 2300 and so on. But you'd probably need more accounts than there currently are on the system and I think Miguel would notice that. ;-)


Ha! I knew you would mention that but didn't edit my post intentionally. I think one should assume that if the special rule is repealed, then so is the "bug". Notice I put it in quotes as I'm sure it's intentional.

However, you've over complicated things. Assuming only the special rule is repealed and the "bug" is left intact (which makes no sense), it only requires a couple more accounts. However the number of games between accounts increases to allow the provisional average to make up for the first few games. You need to play about 120 more no-move games and coordinate carefully which account to play to maximize the increases. At 4300p for example, your next account will only top 4500 after the full 25 games (but you had to do this last set anyhow to establish it). Note that diminishing returns places an upper limit on the rating at 11500.

I think now it is quite obvious why the special rule and the "bug" are there. Together they prevent such shenanigans...most of them likely being less ambitious and harder to find.

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