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Topic: Message to more than one
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oldfoolNorway flag
First; Thanks to Miguel for having brought the site back to us. Maybe time for some donations to make him more able to prevent future accidents.
Since all my active games previous to the outage had been cancelled I decided to create my own tournament and wanted to send those I invited a message in addition to the invitation. That's of course possible, but requires a whole lot of clicking and waiting before you have reached through all you want to adress. There are other situations too where you might wish to communicate certain messages to more than one at a time. Therefore it would be fine if the site could make it possible in an easy way to put in several adressees for the same message. Hope Miguel will concider it.

JungJoeUnited States flag
I too want to thank Miguel for all his hard work in restoring this site. I cannot talk for Miguel, but I bet no one was more disappointed about the crash then Miguel. So thanks Miguel for doing the best you could during this difficult time for all of us. My Best,
Jung Joe

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