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Topic: Size of "notes" in games
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becoBrazil flag
Please, consider change the size of particular notes of each game to at least 700 characters, so we can save one PGN game with more than 40 moves, and some lines of thinking...

Thank you!

miguelUnited States flag
Do you want more space on your own notes or on the comments you sent your opponent? In any case neither of those is meant to be used for long comments.

togoychessSpain flag

In many games, when I make my move, the system tells me I am up of the limit in my personal notes, so I would feeel happy with a little bit more space.

Also, I have noticed a small problem related to the question. Sometimes I have no limit problem but when I come back to my game I notice that the last 3 or 4 characters are lost.

So, I think a little bit more space would be useful.

Thanks. :-)

becoBrazil flag
Miguel, I am saying in the personal notes (my own).

Thank you for your attention and keep up the good work! That is the only thing we can say to thank you for this great and free site you create in your free time! :-)


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