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Topic: Please create a no play list that we can use to avoid players we think cheat.
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ElafssonBrazil flag
Now let's see Elafsson's games against Axtronomox and Vespadomar:



Funny, horrible losses for a enginer like me, isn't?

Sorry for the sarcasm, There is some guy bashing me into shit.

ElafssonBrazil flag
Sometimes I think I'm playing against a giant machine web connected with my computer. Sorry, but if something is done, even proving gamers are right and I am wrong, I will leave the site as soon as I have a response.

Mammy told me not to be in a place respect for others can't be assumed as the most important thing.

ElafssonBrazil flag
Eu sou mesmo, quem sabe um dia a gente não marque um xadrezinho ao vivo. Se vocÊ for Diego di Berardino, Limp, Sadi, Arthur Santa Cruz, Paolo, Villela, Wagner, Cristiano Porto, José Costa, Marcelo Einhorn, Marcelo de Deus, ou mesmo o GM Darcy Liuma aí sim você poderia ser o brabo dos brabos... O que eu duvido que pessoas desse nível enxadrístico perderiam tempo em um site gratuito.

E sim, eu sou um perdedor, mas como disse não te invejo, você não chega nem perto do que eu mais estimo.

miguelUnited States flag
I have received the cheating reports (all of them, yes) and I am investigating, as I always do.

I need you to stop throwing accusations at each other in the forums, this is not the place to do that.

Last warning. And I'm talking to both sides, in case it isn't clear.


phystutordotcomUnited States flag

I want to state again that I have not accused anyone of cheating. I have on occasion stated that I dont think a specific player has cheated against me. I have commented on the issue of cheating. I dont know how your warning applies to me or others who discuss cheating without throwing accusations at any one.

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