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Topic: Alone alone all alll alone alone on a wide wide sea.
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Capaputi You are right. My faith is not what it should be. If I had faith I would be doing much better. I have noticed that people who have a sincere and deep belief in a religion tend to be content and are doing well. I am catholic. If you ask me the definitive questions that determine if one is catholic my answers would indicate that I am catholic. Unfortunately there are many very important issues that the catholic leadeship and I passionately disagree on. I cant endorse their position. Many american catholics don't practice becuae of these conflicts. The church is feeling the pressure and might change. However, I stay at home and lack the fellowship that I need. At first I thought I would metaphoricly indicate my lack of faith, "I dont know if I am ready to tackle a fish that big. All I have is a kayak. And a Kayak is smaller than a skiff."
I wonder if anyone understood my metaphor.

She moved becuase she got a great job. I dont think she's coming back She likes to talk on the phone but I dont think she wants us to live together.

capaputiPhilippines flag
Phystutordotcom. Just wondering whether you're a Physics teacher or a Physicist. Then you're aware of Higgs boson or God's particle. How's this for a metaphor? We're all particles with free wills in the vast expanse of the universe/multi-verses.

Talking about Faith/Religion reminds me of the rhetoric "is the Pope catholic?" However I posted about faith only as a belief in oneself. Hence, we may be a kayak or a skiff in our minds before we may have the courage to hunt for the big fish or Capt. Ahab's Moby Dick--the great white whale.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Let’s keep science and religion separate
Science is based on experiment. If it is impossible to imagine an experiment that would disprove a theory it is not science. Religious beliefs require faith. Every religion that I am aware of has important beliefs that can’t be proved or disproved. These beliefs are accepted on faith.
I value religion. I value science. When we mix science and religion trouble ensues. Faith should include an awareness that we could be wrong, after all we can’t prove we are right. Faith should include at least a tolerance that those who disagree might be right. There is no way to prove our beliefs superior to theirs. When we act in the name of God we must remember that we might be acting in the name of nonexistence. It is also possible that God has led those with different beliefs to call him by a different name.
A sad example of mixing religion and science is the term creation science. In the US there is a debate on teaching creation science in our schools. If we are going to teach creation science we should bring our students into a circular classroom and ask them to sit in the corner. Once they have mastered this self contradicting lesson they might be able to grasp the meaning of the course title.
Recently scientists have violated my edict be making reference to the GOD particle. Since they have solid experimental evidence to support their discovery of this particle it is confusing to call it the particle that can’t be proven.

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