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Topic: Obama President of U.S.A.
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Noroc - Who cares? Makes no difference. That pretty much sums it up.
ketchuplover - I predict Condaleeza Rice will run for prez in 2016. Will the US be here in 2016?! Or will we be vying with Democratic Republic of the Congo as the poorest country in the world.

CorvidaeEngland flag
The USA, like several other countries, is probably regretting having given up its colonial status.

sovayEngland flag
They most probably couldn't stand the thought of having to play that god awful game of cricket. :-P

CorvidaeEngland flag
I wonder if the Chinese play cricket? There is a delivery in cricket called a 'Chinaman'.

sovayEngland flag
I don't know but the Americans should be good at it,they knocked the Brits for 6 in that little skirmish 1775-83.Of course they did have a lot of help from the French and Spaniards. ;-)

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