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MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
Hi 03bor52
I think the americans mean 'By The Way'
The problem with them is that they are too lazy to write common sense.
I support you on this one....You gen't get no...no no no
The question though, is which kind of help 'ClivetheBeard' needs?
'Imagine all the people...live in life and peace...yooohoooo may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one... ;-)

sovayEngland flag
Dream on MrDJRVD dreaming makes the world go round ;-)

I think that the world (...of the men...) is dying because the humans has no more dreams to realize.
:-( ... John Lennon was a great man! He makes to dream a lot of people... His dream was the best! The men to belong to the Earth! Not the Earth to belong to the men. ;-)

moe78Argentina flag
sono d'accordo. almeno in parte.

"I think the americans mean 'By The Way'
The problem with them is that they are too lazy to write common sense."

Only a jackass like MrBJ would spout such ignorant rubbish. You are a grade A moron my good sire.
I see that sovay is still working on his sense of humor too, not going so well is it?!? Too bad Fritz can't help you with that eh?
You 2 idiots shall be known as the ambiguously gay duo from now on.
BTW: sovay is a Fritz using cheat.

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