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Topic: Merry Christmas
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ketchuploverUnited States flag
A chessicly satisfying 2014 to all :-D

CorvidaeEngland flag
And let's hope the fanatics of all faiths stop killing in the name of religion.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Lets also hope that all the charitable efforts of the faithful also continue.

Evil men will claim a religious affiliation if it suits their needs. Also, there are sincere but mis guided zealots that do horrible things in the name of religion.

However many people are able to struggle through their burdens becuase they are inspired by religious faith.

For those that believe as I do. Remember that you can evaluate a tree by the fruit that it bears. Those whose faith differs from mine may have different advice.

Remember that faith is a believe in that which can not be proven. No aitheist that I know of can prove that God does not exist. Yet by definition they assert that god does not exist.

Hence an aithesist also has faith. His faith is different than mine.

razomanPhilippines flag
Belated to all.

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