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Topic: Be Careful!
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
If someone has hacked Miguel's account, then I worry what QA may do to my home computer. So, for the time being I will only be playing from an internet cafe or a public library!

ClivetheBeardWales flag
Seems fairly obvious that such a person may well try to infect people's accounts with viruses, malware etc ...

Raphael1985France flag
So, QA is dead. :^-( :-/


ClivetheBeardWales flag
Extremely scary to discover that either the real Miguel logged in on 12/12 and didn't realise he had been hacked OR the hacker came back! I suppose one possibility is that the hacker changed the password on M's account so he can't get back to his own site?

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I am back on this site after about a year...what's going on?!

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