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Topic: Site Improvements
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CorvidaeEngland flag
I'm writing this in the early hours of the morning so my maths are a bit wonky but I would like to suggest the following;
a) Of approx. 9,500 members only about 1,250 are active. Why not delete all those who have not played in the last three months or so to give a better picture of who is and who isn't interested in QA.
b} Make a life-time membership fee of, for example, $10. (Those having made a donation would have automatic membership). We would lose a few (especially those with several accounts) but would, I believe, retain a large number of dedicated members. I also feel this would attract more new players - keen to join a good chess club.
The income would help the administrator to make improvements (hopefully reduce some of the adverts) and make being a member of QA an even better experience. I am interested in your views.

sovayEngland flag
There is no one to hear you corvidae old chap. :^-(

Raphael1985France flag
In all games tournament, the timeout should be immediate loss. No need to click on the "clock" to claim the game , which will help Tournaments finish quickly.

expectnomercyFinland flag
I am not a fan of the idea of deleting players who have been inactive for a certain amount of time. They might just be taking a break, like I did some time ago. There are nothing wrong with the AdSense advertisement but yeah if there would be paid version of QA, then for the paying customers there should be no ads seen. The idea of a life-time membership will not work though as I doubt it would cover all the costs for maintaining and updating more features on the site. This of course depends a lot how much updates and or improvements are needed. I still stand by my forum post and the automatic timeouts for tournament games. So I basically agree with Raphael1985 on that matter.

Joseph62United States flag
I wouldn't mind having this site adopt a small yearly fee as an option to have more features available. For example, downloading more pgn games. I would pay in a minute to create a database of lower rated games for certain openings. so far I can only download the first 25 games.

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