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Topic: Tie Break Catastrophe
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
My goal is to win tournaments. In round 1 I want clear first in my section. In the event of a tie in the final round, I want the maximum number of tie break points. This means I want to maximize how many points my opponent's score. In order to maximize my opponent's score I should minimize my score.

Here I list draws and losses intended to increase my chance of winning the tournament. I wonder how many if any will determine if I win a tournament.

• sia Open3479
I resigned with an overwhelming material advantage.
• Alexandrovinsk Master2294
I resigned up a pawn and about to win 2 more
• Morau Master2294
Drawn I am about to promote a pawn QBK vs K. Mate in 7.
• Rafale2000 Open 3495 Round 1
Up a pawn about to a win knight and another pawn

ketchuploverUnited States flag
Just play your best :-D

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
If I play my best I might win the first round 12 -0 That is the worst possible way to advance. Winning all your first round games could cause you to lose the tournament!

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