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Topic: Opponents, with no chance of winning locking up tournament.
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qxrScotland flag
In Round 2 of a tournament I have beaten both of my opponents twice. Since they have no possibility to win they played 5 moves in their games against each other and then allowed time to expire for each of them. What can I do to get the tournament finished?

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
There are 2 problems. You cant do anything for either problem. First neither player in either game is claiming a win on time. You need Miguel to end these games. I strongly support the computer automatically and immediately claiming a win on time.

Second you have clinched your section and want the tournament to continue to next round even if those players finish their game. Again I agree but cant help.

qxrScotland flag
There is no next round. This is Round 2 - the final round of the tournament. I and my 2 opponents each won our sections of round 1.
I have in effect won the tournament, but can't get it acknowledged because my two opponents have walked away and left the tournament frozen.
How do I get Miguel to end these games, how do you reach him?

phystutordotcomUnited States flag

congratulations for winning your tournament.

Reaching Miguel might prove to be more difficult than winning 10 more tournaments. You may have ti be content with your private knowledge of your achievement.

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