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Topic: Rest In Peace to me
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mArViNhPhilippines flag
we don't know the exact date of our death, just wanna greet my self in advance, Rest In Peace to me, I cannot greet myself if I am dead

CorvidaeEngland flag
I believe in reincarnation, so I have left everything to myself.

I'm sure that none know what there is after dead ?:-(
But I'm sure that the Universe creates every thing and that every thing is a part of Universe, so ours energy will come back to the Creator. I don't know if after the dead ours souls are conscious of their self...
?:-( ........I don't know nothing like you all. And in none religions'books there is all the truth, but only "some truth" :-/ I know tha I don't know
/:-( :-/

capaputiPhilippines flag
The finite to know the Infinte? %-) Bound to fail! :-O

It is the same with our mind...there are many things that our mind don't know! Is our mind infinite? ?:-(

kookaburraAustralia flag
Finite, I reckon. It has a beginning and an end.

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