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Topic: Request for asministrator to read my messages.
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prrrudenzPhilippines flag
I am pleading to the administrator to please read my messages from way back in May, our tournament has been ended but we still have a pending game and we cannot make a move, the system is not allowing us. Please adjudicate the game in favor of my opponent.

kingdaveUnited States flag
Unfortunately, the cite is pretty much on autopilot, so don't expect any intervention from the administrator. I take it you have tried to resign, and that your opponent has tried to claim the game on time? Actually, I just went and looked at that tournament and see that it has a lot of weird problems in the scoring in all three rounds. I've never seen that before. Things here continue to fall apart.

lordvhinPhilippines flag
"Miguel" is running this site before. We don't know if he is still alive. It is now year 2017. We all grow old. Or maybe "Miguel" is busy with something else.

Kingdave. I agree with you with the exception that this site has not an automati-system that give the draw or the win, when the time of a game is over.
The AUTO-OPEN-3648 can't go on because 2 players lived the tournament and also the site >:-( This is not correct because the other players cannot make nothig.... :-(

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