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Topic: draw option
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ArmandoFdaPortugal flag
Hey Mr. Queen Alice Support man, please put an option button for Draw games where only two Kings are on the board and the other opponent is stupid enough to maintain the game. I already ask for draw 4 times......
Look at this https://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=1492920

TheRealHousekeeperUnited States flag

The administrator has not logged in since September 2017; the site runs on 'auto-pilot'!

TheRealHousekeeperUnited States flag
You can only make a draw by three-fold repetition unless the other person agrees. If it helps, I have offered you a draw in our game because although you are a pawn up, you will find it very hard to break my white square blockade. Best wishes, Annina. :-)

equusEngland flag
Under the standard FIDE rules, a draw also occurs "in dead position", when no sequence of legal moves can lead to checkmate, most commonly when neither player has sufficient material to checkmate the opponent. Oh, and don't forget the 'fifty move rule'. :-)

TheRealHousekeeperUnited States flag
The problem is that Queen Alice does not recognise "dead positions" and probably not the 50 move rule either!

kingdaveUnited States flag
In the past getting a draw through repetition or the fifty move rule has required contacting the admin. As noted above he isn't even logging in regularly any more, and even if he did I doubt he'd bother with a problem like that.

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