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Topic: Possible to reverse exhausted games?
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tewaldUnited States flag
I had two games against Philochess, and he never moved. Normally, I send a notice first, but I thought that this tournament (Auto-Open 96, round 2) had been around for a while, so I just took the "wins". However, AFTER I did so, I took a look at the screen, and found out that this round had only started 9 days earlier, which means he was only 2 days late. With all the problems Alice has had lately, I really feel bad about taking these undeserved wins. Is there any way you could reverse them, and give Philochess more time? Thanks.

miguelUnited States flag
I compensated all players well over the actual down time.

Reopening games is complicated because a lot of ratings need to be recomputed, all the games that you or your opponent finished after those two, and all them games for the opponents on those games, and the opponents of these opponents, and so on and so on.

I don't think it is fair to the rest of the community to take the site offline for 1/2 hour to do all this. I only do it if there is a bug in the system, something that cannot be fixed in any other way.


tewaldUnited States flag
I was afraid of that. OK. I will just have to be more careful. Thanks, Miguel.

tewaldUnited States flag
It turns out that he hasn't logged in since November, anyway. He never knew he was in the second round of the tournament.

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